How Does This Work?

At Blush Salon, we believe that the PRP in West London is the perfect treatment for your needs as it is based on the notion that the body’s natural healing mechanisms are powerful enough to reduce signs of ageing, remove scarring, correct discolouration (dark spots), acne removal and much more. Red blood cells and plasma are the two components of our blood. White blood cells and platelets rich in growth factors are seen in plasma. Growth factors work as messengers, signalling skin to function which gives your body its natural response for regrowth and repair. This treatment has been used in medicine for many years to treat a variety of health conditions, including arthritis, wound healing and hair regrowth. The good news for anyone suffering from skin issues is that you can see results and make a change with PRP therapy. 

What Results Can I Expect?

We normally recommend three to four treatments spaced one month apart for optimal results, followed by six-monthly maintenance treatments, depending on your reaction and outcomes. Most clients expect to see benefits within two to three months of starting their treatment.



What’s involved in the procedure?

By extracting PRP from a tiny sample of your blood, we inject it beneath your skin with a very thin bore needle by hand or using our faster, reliable mesotherapy guns. This therapy may be combined with many different treatments such as micro-needling. This allows the PRP to operate directly on the skin and the tissues immediately under the epidermis for the best cosmetic results.  Along with this we can even use skin nutrition or hair growth serums (including vitamins, hyaluronic acid, and minerals) that can be injected for even more results.

How long do PRP treatments take?

PRP treatments can take between 20-60 minutes and we recommend that you have 3-6 treatments spaced monthly.

Is there any side effects?

PRP has minimal side effects, some people can expect some redness, swelling or bruising however these effects quickly settle.

Is it safe?

Seeing as PRP works on the idea of using your body’s own healing factors, it has been proven that PRP is one of the most safest and effective treatments for various conditions and concerns.

How does PRP help your skin?

PRP increases the creation of collagen and elastin, which thickens and tightens thinning skin while effectively reducing wrinkles and fine lines. Because it promotes collagen production, it is also an excellent therapy for enhancing overall skin texture and tone. It’s very beneficial for those who have rosacea or acne.